SPRING POWER RAKING - Most lawns don't need power raking. If the lawn is rough in spring due to winter injury, do not power rake as it will further weaken damaged grass. Hand raking or light power brooming will clean up debris without doing as much damage to the plants. With adequate water, the lawn will green up in spring without power raking to remove last years brown grass. Just clip at 2½” the first time, re-set blade to 3½ “ and the brown grass will be covered by new growth and soon decompose.
VOLES - Meadow voles (field mice) love plush green lawns and can do severe damage under snow banks. If you border a field, wetland, vacant lot or brushy area or have thick shrubbery or rock walls you are at higher risk. Control with snap traps baited with peanut butter, or mouse poison. Start control when you see any nests or trails and continue control with weather resistant bait right through winter.